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Sales Transformation
December 26, 2023

Unconventional Sales Strategies: Building Trust and Standing Out in the Sales Process


Delve into this episode's shownotes for
expert insights, actionable strategies,
and game-changing inspiration.

10 Episode Takeaways

  • People buy from people they know, like, and trust.
  • Price is not the primary factor in purchasing decisions; trust and alignment are more important.
  • Building relationships and establishing trust are crucial in the sales process.
  • Being honest and providing unique insights can differentiate a seller and win long-lasting relationships.
  • The traditional sales process is linear and rigid, lacking in human interaction and emotional connection.
  • Creating memorable and unconventional experiences throughout the sales process can make a seller stand out.
  • Differentiating oneself from the status quo is essential in sales.
  • Trust is built through authenticity and connecting on a human level.
  • Success and fulfillment in sales come from going beyond the norm and taking risks.
  • Hope should be turned into action, and the hard road willingly taken to achieve success.

Episode Recap

Collin Mitchell welcomes back the legendary Dale Dupree. The discussion revolves around the importance of building relationships in sales and how to stand out from the competition. Dale emphasizes that people buy from people they know, like, and trust, and that price is not always the determining factor. By focusing on creating memorable and unforgettable experiences throughout the sales process, sellers can differentiate themselves and earn the trust of their prospects. Dale shares his unique approach to the proposal stage, where he incorporates poetry, hieroglyphics, and even leaves the price blank to engage and surprise the buyer. The key takeaway is that being more human, authentic, and creative can help sellers build lasting relationships and ultimately win more deals.

Jump to Talking Points

  • [00:15] People buy from people they know, like, or trust.
  • [00:43] Building relationships by telling customers what they need to hear.
  • [00:59] The importance of building relationships in the sales process.
  • [01:19] Dale breaks down the traditional sales cycle and its limitations.
  • [02:07] The need for a more human and creative approach to sales.
  • [02:39] Focusing on how you make someone feel rather than logical processes.
  • [03:23] Dale shares his unconventional approach to the proposal stage.
  • [07:38] The impact of Dale's unique proposal approach on buyers.
  • [08:39] The importance of differentiation and trust in the sales process.
  • [09:07] Dale shares an example of a successful sale using his proposal strategy.
  • [11:00] Challenging the status quo in B2B sales and pricing.
  • [12:30] The importance of building relationships and standing out in sales.

Guest Bio (Who is Dale?)

Dale Dupree is a sales professional known as the "copier warrior." He spent 13 years in a commoditized B2B sales space before starting his own business, The Sales Rebellion, in 2019. With a strong focus on challenging traditional sales methods, Dale has established himself as a thought leader in the industry. His achievements include revolutionizing the sales process and helping salespeople break free from the constraints of traditional sales tactics. Through his work, Dale has inspired countless individuals to embrace a new approach to sales and achieve unprecedented success. His ethos is centered around empowering salespeople to be authentic, build genuine connections, and create meaningful relationships with their clients. Dale's philosophy is rooted in the belief that sales is not just about closing deals, but about making a positive impact on people's lives.

Find Dale on his Website or connect with him on his LinkedIn!