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Sales Leadership
April 8, 2024

Sales Karma: Customer-Centric Leadership


Delve into this episode's shownotes for
expert insights, actionable strategies,
and game-changing inspiration.

10 Episode Takeaways

  • Over 35 years of experience in sales, working across various company sizes and industries.
  • Fishman passion for building relationships and solving problems.
  • Leandra faced challenges due to not having a college degree, leading to feelings of insecurity and a desire to go back to school.
  • Fishman transitioned from sales to leadership by offering to work for free to gain experience and prove capability.
  • Leandra emphasized the importance of serving others and helping them succeed in leadership roles.
  • Fishman highlighted the significance of seeking knowledge, being a good listener, and not needing to have all the answers as a leader.
  • Leandra shared a pivotal experience in leadership where teaching the team a new strategy led to significant revenue growth without Fishman making any sales calls.
  • Fishman stressed the importance of having a system, key metrics, and confidence in sales to drive success.
  • Leandra emphasized the value of understanding product differentiation, value proposition, and always doing what's right for the customer in sales.
  • Fishman highlighted the importance of maintaining a customer-centric approach and focusing on the best customer experience at the lowest cost to serve.

Episode Recap

Leandra's story is one of perseverance and determination. She discussed her early days in the Bay Area and how she stumbled into sales, initially working in customer success and account management. Her passion for solving problems and building relationships naturally led her into sales, where she found her calling. Despite being told early in her career that she wouldn't be successful without a college degree, Leandra proved her doubters wrong. She shared how she navigated her career with a sense of independence and a drive to learn and grow. Her approach to leadership is grounded in service, strategy, and empowering her team to believe in themselves.

Leandra emphasized the importance of having a system in sales, understanding key metrics, and learning from every step of the sales funnel. She also highlighted the significance of maintaining a positive attitude, putting in the effort, and having the right intention—especially when a large portion of a salesperson's compensation is commission-based. Her philosophy is centered around creating the best customer experience at the lowest cost to serve, and she believes in "sales karma"—the idea that doing right by the customer will ultimately lead to success. Overall, Leandra's insights provided valuable lessons on sales, leadership, and the power of a strong belief in oneself and one's team.

Jump to Talking Points

  • 01:43 - The Perception of Sales as a Career
  • 02:12 - Leandra's Early Career and Problem Solving in Sales
  • 04:48 - The Importance of Customer Care in Sales
  • 05:10 - Transitioning from Sales to Leadership
  • 07:15 - The Mindset for Effective Leadership
  • 07:57 - Learning to Lead by Listening and Empowering
  • 08:08 - The Challenge of First-Time Leadership
  • 10:55 - Building a Sales System and Team Confidence
  • 11:25 - The Importance of Sales Metrics and Systems
  • 12:56 - Maintaining the Right Sales Intention
  • 13:17 - Ensuring Customer-Centric Sales Practices

Guest Bio (Who is Leandra Fishman?)

Leandra Fishman, serving as the Chief Revenue Officer at, brings a wealth of experience and expertise in sales leadership to her role. With a background rooted in perseverance and determination, Leandra's journey embodies a commitment to overcoming challenges and achieving success. Her strategic approach to sales, grounded in service, strategy, and empowering teams, has been instrumental in driving growth and fostering a customer-centric culture at Through her insights and leadership, Leandra continues to redefine sales excellence, inspiring others to embrace a mindset of continuous learning and a dedication to delivering exceptional customer experiences.

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